Thursday, February 20, 2014

He Ain't Heavy...

Twins are hard. I have to do everything twice. Just today Emil spilled a full cup of water at lunch and after I'd cleaned it up, Colin spilled his full cup of water in almost exactly the same place. And that isn't even the first time they've done that. 
Everyone (it feels like it really has been EVERYone) told me it would get better - they'd start playing together and being friends. I couldn't imagine it. It's helped that they actually get time apart - I don't know if that was the key - but it's happening. Instead of hanging on my pants and climbing on the counter tops while I cooked dinner last night, they played in the dining room. Colin was Mike Wazowski and Emil was Sully. They pretended the bench was a bunk bed. (Then they took everything out of the pantry and stacked it under the table. For my convenience.) The first photo is them in Bridget's bed pretending to sleep after she'd gone to school. Sneaky devils. I'll often hear Colin say, "Mo funny." They're trying to make each other laugh all the time. 
We've added books to their bed time routine. They sit on the rug between their beds and listen to the stories. It's beautiful. (Then they get out of bed 10 times in a row and run around the kitchen island, laughing psychotically.) Emil has been sick the last few days and Colin asks him if he's okay. They care about each other. When I was up in the middle of the night changing Emil's 50th diaper of the day and cleaning up his puke, he shooshed me so we wouldn't wake Colin. 

I think I might survive this, you guys! They're going to be friends!


melissa said...

Oh my heart! That first picture is so sweet! They're doing it!

Jill said...

And it just keeps getting better from there. My boys are 9 and they are the best of friends! They do everything together and get along really well (most of the time). My favorite is to listen to their conversations outside their bedroom door after they've gone to bed. They talk and talk.

I kept them in different classes since Kindergarten (you know, their own identity and garbage), but this year I put them in the same class. Mostly because I wanted to focus my time on helping in just one teacher's classroom. I was worried, but it has been wonderful! They are better friends than ever because they can relate to each other so much more. I'm so glad I did it!

This friendship thing really is the best thing about having twins. It almost makes all the hard stuff worth it.

Kristi said...

Aww, they really are doing it! So happy for you and them.

I love that my boys are doing this as well. I wondered if they ever would be friends. And you nailed it. It was the time away from one another that finally sealed the deal for them. They get along so much better (although not perfectly at all times) than they used to.

I still can't decide if having twins would have been easier than being kicked in the pants twice from my two boys. Second verse, same as the first, right?

Love all around!