Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

Since this is my blog, I'm going to advertise for myself. Remember when I mentioned my new obsession making car seat blankets? After that post, I had people ask me to make them one. Then my friend, Kristi (she is as obsessed as I am but it looks more normal on her because she has an 8 week-old baby), got requests from a few friends for a car seat blanket. Now that we've made quite a few of them, we've learned some valuable information (don't use peel and stick Velcro) and we've decided to sell them.

The only place I've seen a similar car seat blanket was at Kid-to-Kid in Lindon. I'm not usually the kind of person who, while shopping, loudly proclaims, "I'm not paying for that when I can make a better one myself." I made an exception for this because the car seat blanket at the store was poorly made with cheap fabric and crazy embellishments on the handles that weren't washable. And it was expensive. Booo.

So, check out our new blog and enter the giveaway!


Kristina P. said...

Nicole, in the next couple of weeks, I want to do a blog posts that lists and features all my bloggy friends who have businesses and sell items. Would you want me to list your blog?

Nicole said...

Yay! Of course I would love it if you included me. (I would have answered on your latest post, but I don't want to look crazy not talking about Christian Bale. Hee!)

allyn said...

i LOVE your fabric choices. excellent combos.