Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Odds And Ends... Mostly Odds

This morning Bridget saw my swim suit hanging in the bathroom and asked where her swim "soup" was. She listened closely as I said the words "swim suit" again and the second time she asked her question she pronounced it correctly. It made me a little sad because all last summer, no matter how many times she heard me say "swim suit" she always said it "swim poop." That's funny. I realized I need to start recording her funny interpretations. For example, she calls toilet paper, "toilet wipers."

Bridget is deathly afraid of fire trucks. It's more about the noise they make. When she hears one, she stops what she's doing and runs to Mommy or Daddy, "I hold you! Fire truck scary!" And yet, she loves to be swung high into the air, she'll go down the big slide all by herself, and her favorite thing is to sit on Daddy's shoulders while he runs after Mommy. When Bridget and Clara get together, here's how they roll.

This next picture doesn't have anything to do with the Crazy Girls - except maybe that this is Clara's Brother's expression watching them. Mostly I'm putting it here because he is the most delicious baby.

Throughout the day I come upon the following scene in just about every room.

An old burp cloth or dust rag with a sleeping toy on top of it. These toys are taking naps. Bridget carefully makes these "beds" for all the human and animal toys. They nap in the bathroom, inside cupboards, on the couch, on the piano bench. They're good toys. And Bridget is a good mommy. :)


Kristina P. said...

The girls are completely darling together!

allyn said...

oh, i am so sad bridget's curls are growing out. that means she is getting older and i have not spent enough time with her for that to happen.
i LOVE that picture of the doll with the bottle sticking straight up in the air. very sweet. she is a good mommy.

Angie said...

Cute. I can't believe how long Bridget's hair is getting, makes her look older. Cute girl.

melissa said...

You take the most beautiful pictures of Bridgie. I always end up sitting on one of her napping friends by accident when we visit. She's a much better mommy than me.

Jen said...

You are so spoiled with that perfect little girl! I think a week with the Allred boys ought to clear that up for ya-

Jess said...

What a sweetie! Those napping toys are so good- if only kids were that good at taking their naps. :) And I agree- you take beautiful pictures of your beautiful girl.

Kristi said...

So much for Bridgie's well-kept bed. Sorry my daughter is such a Tazmanian Devil at your house (and everywhere) - sigh. Gotta love her, though! And I'm glad to SEE that you think that Edward is as delicious as I do. Clara and Gigi really are the cutest friends and best mommies ever. Today Clara put Baby Alex to bed and in the middle of her lunch said, "Baby's crying! I go get her" and ran upstairs to get her - mid lunch. I don't even do that. Hmmm...

Katy said...

Bridgie is so cute! It is a sad day when the little ones learn how to pronounce the words correctly :(
I love that Helena still has her lisp. Anya totally talks like a grown-up now.

amylouwhosews said...

This is so cute! I love that all little girls do the same things. This could have been a day at my house!

I need your email address. You can email me from this comment or on my profile. I will send you a link to the binding tutorial I used. It's not that hard once you do it once.

Andrea said...

I agree with Katy, I almost, almost I said, encourage Josie's baby words. Somehow it seems like it will keep her little for me!
I love her "Sank-you", and "Squish-birds." (Thank-you and scriptures)

hOLLIANN said...

Briget is so adorable! I love when they say such cute things. I am truly a mom that never wants them to leave this stage. When my last one gets over it, I might really have a mental breakdown.