Friday, June 5, 2009

I Want To Be A Champion!

Bridget and I are in a weekly Mommy & Me Gymnastics class for the month of June. She is old enough to do a class on her own, but I knew it would be a struggle to get her to participate when she didn't know anyone there. We sat on our little carpet together and I helped her do the stretches to warm up (it was like she was a puppet with less give). Miss Brandi then explained that the mat was water and we had to do all these little exercises through the bubbles and waves. The first time through the obstacles, Bridget held my hand and didn't really do it. (I was totally doing it, unlike the other mothers.) The second time through, Bridget came out of her shell a little. And the third time she was all over it.
We went to the uneven bars where Bridget kicked the ball out of Miss Brandi's hands, then raced over to the parallel bars where she crawled like a train. Then she took a swing on the "high" bar all by herself. We went to the balance beams next - Bridget has had plenty of practice with Grandpa and she was better than any of the other kids (obviously).
After the balancing, we went back to our carpet square for a sticker, but this time Bridget walked ahead of me. She had her head up and she was walking with confidence. I watched her and had a proud little moment that she conquered her fears. Then I cried a little... like I am doing again right now. Bittersweet. On the way out to the car I asked Bridget if she had fun. "When I went to gymnastics, I cried. I was scary. But then I didn't cry!"


Kristina P. said...

This is totally something I would do!

KQ said...

I am so jealous! What a fun thing to do. Note to self: Take this class in a couple years with Lyla. Bridget is so cute!

Andrea said...

So cute, I am glad you got her in there. Josie loves it, and I love her blowing kisses to me up on the top observation area.

Jess said...

How sweet! I am considering putting Emmett into gymnastics. What a great idea to do it as Mommy and Me first.

allyn said...

she is a master already! she will own that place in no time and then they will make a movie about her and all little girls will dream of being her some day.

i got a little emotional reading about it, too.

kenzie said...

I love Bridget's commentary on the event.
I would have cried, too, if I were you.