Sunday, June 14, 2009

To My Father, Bob - The Richest Man In Town

Last week my Dad turned 60. About six months ago the oldest of his children, Jen, began organizing a book of letters to Dad from his friends and family. We were finally able to present him with this very full binder of letters yesterday at Buddy's, one of the few restaurants in Pocatello, Idaho, worth going to. (Also the restaurant where my parents ate the night before Jen was born and then again a year later the night before I was born. Coincidence? I don't think so.) After we ate our weight in garlic, we headed back to Mom and Dad's for cake and ice cream.

It was a real pleasure to be there with some of my siblings to see Dad's reaction. Sorry some of you couldn't be there to celebrate with him. We missed you. Here are some photos:
Here he is before opening the binder to see what the heck it was.

That's a letter from Rob. Something about "pink slips" cracked Dad up.

There's Boy making a mockery of lighting birthday candles.

The Match Trick (sorry, "illusion"). Bridget and Chloe were blown away.

For me? But it's not even my birthday! Wait, am I 60?

Working off dinner.

Miles taking a moment with Great Grandpa Curtis.

Bridget and Great Grandpa Curtis discussing freckles. "Angel kisses."

My baby holding Melissa's baby. Bridget can hold a baby for longer than any 2 year-old I've ever known.

And Today...

We attended my cousin, Collin's, missionary talk. Remember when Collin and Boy (Aaron) were little babies yesterday? Yeah, now they're well-spoken, upstanding young men. I was right here and I didn't notice it happening either. I didn't get many pictures today. (Sometimes it's just too hard, you know?) Not even one of the man himself. To be fair, he was surrounded by friends and family... mostly cute girls. Anyway, I got to say hello to my other sweet Grandpa.

Look at Grandpa rocking a full head of beautiful hair at 92! Impressive. ("The ladies love my hair.")
Collin's oldest sister, Koryn, Melissa and Me in the kitchen. In front of the chocolates. (Koryn is not wearing shoes. Melissa is wearing flats. I am wearing 5 inch heels. Whatever.)

Soon after this photo I had to say goodbye to Melissa because she's moving away. It's okay because we're not sisters now, we're friends. (Bridget just asked me why I'm crying. It's because Pandora won't stop playing the dumb songs from Music Man.)


Kristi said...

It was such a pleasure to meet Melissa and play with Chloe the other day. Cute Miles and Harrison, too, of course!

I love that you did something so memorable for your Dad's b-day. And how special to get these great pictures of your Grandpas - none living in my life and I miss them so much. Now I'm crying. Thanks.

allyn said...

i was okay until i saw the picture of gpa lee and miles together. i am really mad that i didn't get to see this moment.
melissa and gpa furniss make a beautiful couple, no?
i am also sad that i missed collin's moment if only to look taller than you in a picture. if you were wearing 5 inch heels that would not have happened, though. if you were wearing 1 inch heels that would have been perfect.

Ashley said...

I can't believe I missed all the chocolates! It was a hard day yesterday realizing everyone was gathering at my mom's house, so I'm glad to see some pictures. And hear that Collin was well-spoken :) Happy Birthday, Uncle Robert (I still can't call him Bob...)

RCH said...

Awww! Congratulations to your dad! Mine is a '49er, too -- what we affectionately refer to as his Old Man Birthday is coming up next month. I'm looking forward to some good family time as pictured here (but, um, with my family rather than yours, of course).

Jen said...

What in the world is sad about the Music Man? Are you afraid the townsfolk will get Harold in the end? What did you have to say to Pandora to get that stuff anyway? Shirley Jones radio? So many questions...

Nicole said...

I'm crying because Melissa is moving. Was that really too subtle? I asked Pandora to play Music Man and similar music. I kept getting stuff like "White Knight" and another song I don't like. Bah.

And Ashley, you would have missed the chocolates anyway. Those college kids eat and eat and eat! Also, I took a lot and put them in my purse for later.

Jess said...

Cole's going to be sad he just missed Collin's farewell (we are coming up this weekend). He made it his personal mission upon moving to Utah to give Collin some male influence after all of those sisters. :)

What a neat birthday party for your Dad.

Angie said...

What a cool party for your dad. He's a lucky man.

I'm sorry that you're losing Melissa. Is she going somewhere fun? Will you at least have a good vacation spot? Still, not the same as having her around.

bobincary said...

What a wonderful line from "It's a Wonderful Life," and so appropriate. It was the sweetest day of my life.

melissa said...

So much love. Now where will I go to find sweet pictures of my family and pictures that make me look tall?