Sunday, February 22, 2009

Starting Now

I hate it when people tell me I have to read something or I have to watch something. Unless that person knows me very well, that is. Since I know both of you very well, I'm going to tell you about one book you HAVE to read and one TV show you HAVE to watch.

Remember how you resolved to use your time more effectively and to really study the scriptures in 2009? Most likely you didn't get home from a mission recently, but don't let that stop you from buying the book, I'm Home, Now What?. The author happens to be my Dad, Robert E. Lee, a former mission president and current LDS Institute of Religion Director for ISU. He may not know how to fix a bicycle or camp without a hotel, but he definitely knows how to study the scriptures. Even better, he knows how to teach. In his book he applies the principles from the missionary study guide, Preach My Gospel (you can get it for cheap at any LDS Church distribution center) to life after the mission. Everything from managing money to scripture study to having an executible plan for day to day life. I'd read it even if I didn't know him. (Go here to order.) If you don't need it, get it for the recently returned missionary you know who is flailing around trying to figure out his/her life.

Next, the TV show. It's "Friday Night Lights." If you're done scoffing or rolling your eyes, I'll continue. FNL is in it's third season on NBC (on Friday night at 8:00, for all you smarty pantses out there). We started watching the first season by accident - if I had associated it with the movie I would have stopped watching immediately. The show follows the adventures of several high school students and the football coach and his family. And not CW-type adventures that don't happen in real life and make you want to home school your kids. (I'm talking to you, One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl.) The adults are the smart ones on this show. The coach, played by Kyle Chandler, and his wife, played by Connie Britton, are so believable that I wouldn't be surprised to see them eating dinner together at the local Applebee's (holy product placement, Batman).

My recommendation comes with a warning label: Skip season two. I can imagine some 20 year-old wizards coming into a script meeting and declaring that there needs to be a murder! There needs to be an affair between a junior in high school and the single mom next door! We need a holier-than-thou Christian who dates Logan from Gilmore Girls! No, they really didn't need any of those things. There goes a perfectly good show.

BUT! Season three is back up to great episodes that make me cry. In conclusion, go rent season one of Friday Night Lights, then skip season two, then wait for reruns of the current season. Or start watching right in the middle. If you have questions about any story lines that don't make sense because you missed season two, call me. Seriously. Do not watch season two of Friday Night Lights.

Also, is Allyn really the only one who can guess where Bridget's going? Don't y'all realize she wins everything? :)


KQ said...

Thank you so much for this post. I just sent the link for my dad to buy your dad's book for my brother (recenntly returned from a mission and still MAJORLY AWKWARD).

FNL is one of my favorite shows. I think everyone should watch it too. I could give up the One Tree Hill-type shows for sure, but not this. The humor is witty and I just smile the whole time I watch it. Anyway, just glad to know there are other fans out there!

Kristina P. said...

I have never watched FNL. I have heard good things about it.

Oh, and I turned comments off on the lunch post. I wish you could have been there. Next time!!

Jess said...

Your dad's book sounds great! I can think of someone that can use it... I could too, as a matter of fact!

I'll have to see FNL sometime. Doesn't it take place in Texas? That's a reason for me to see it right there! :)

Jen said...

A shameless plug for Dad's book in the same post as FNL? A little something for everyone? I bought three copies of Dad's book and am holding on to the last one for dear life. It's really awesome!!

allyn said...

YES! bring on the winnings!!!!!
i haven't watched fnl because i thought it was an OC type trashy show. now that i have a plug from you i will have to give it a chance.
i will also take a few copies of dad's book.

Rae said...

I am so glad someone else loves FNL. I agree that season 2 almost lost us, but we stuck through it and are now in love again.

It looks like Bridget is ready for different play dates and she wants to be ready with a number of bags so that she can grab one in a flash that coordinates with her outfit!