Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brush With Fame

Remember our Hawaiian Luau back in June? Sunset Magazine found the post I did on the family recipe blog, Seven Bum Kitchen, and quoted it in their August issue. Who knew that my brush with fame would come while I was in the bath. (Sunset's August issue was my reading material.)

I'm so easy. I cry watching 60 Minutes every week and I was speechless (and yet stupid) when I found myself within arms reach of Wilford Brimley getting corn at a Harward Farms stand a few years ago. And now I'm telling as many people as I can that our recipe blog made it into a magazine. :)


KQ said...

So cool!

Angie said...

That really is cool. I wonder how they found it? Maybe they have a search for anything that mentions their magazine. Good Work!

Rae said...

Congrats to you! Who knew in little Lehi we'd have a celebrity amongst us (besides Wilford). I used to fill his prescriptions at the pharmacy. He always called me "Honey Girl" and his new wife told me to leave him alone! hahaha...you can have him!

Jess said...

That is really cool! And I still need to try that luau.

RCH said...

Wow, you're so fancy! Very cool!

Ashley said...

Nice! So did they tell you they were going to use it or did you just come across it while tubbing?

Andrea said...

The pork luau sandwiches were a hit! You deserve to be recognized by the magazine that you were complimenting!

Kristi said...

I'm ever-so-proud to be your friend. Just think, you're famous! And I'm your friend! How cool is that?!

amylouwhosews said...

WOW! that is so cool! I remember seeing that post and thinking I need to try them too. Now I guess I have to so I can say, i have this blogging friend I know whose recipe was printed in Sunset....