Monday, December 26, 2011

Family History Photo Monday: Christmas Chaos 1978 and 1979

I posted a color photo from Christmas 1978 in January of this year.  I found the proof sheet with a few chaotic shots (that reminded me of our Christmas morning yesterday) from that same morning. 
That's Allyn on the left cussing with Katy, Mom, Jennie holding the Candy Land/Bingo game, and Uncle Mark.  I'm only posting this because of Allyn's face.  Don't mess.
I can see three new dolls in this photo and there are a whole lot of presents still under the tree.  And there's our wagon!  Good times.
This was on the same proof sheet, so we must have celebrated Jennie's birthday while we were at Grandma's.  What an angelic face. :)
This is only shot I found from Christmas the next year, 1979.  Everyone is so serious!  Or maybe tired from all our dreams coming true?  I wonder if the curlers in our hair mean that it was also Sunday.  I noticed that Jennie, Katy and I are wearing necklaces and I remember those little hearts with a tiny birthstone in the middle of them.  Awww.

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