Monday, March 14, 2011

Family History Photo Monday: Stupid Cupid 1981

I don't know where I got this photo, but it is one of the few (maybe even the only) photo of me with my best friend, Kellie, when we were young.  We did everything together, including dance classes and sports.  Kellie and I thought we looked alike.  One day in first grade (probably around the time of this dance recital) I wore a shirt of Kellie's and she wore one of mine and we changed assigned seats in Mrs. Poulton's class.  Mrs. Poulton let us go the whole day thinking that she couldn't tell the difference (there were 14 kids in the class).  I remember looking across the room and exchanging "tee hee hee" faces with Kellie.  When it came time for a test at the end of the day, Mrs. Poulton said, "Nicole and Kellie please get in your seats."  What?! 
Front row: ?, ?, Cara Cranney, Anna Lee Anderson.  Back row: Jennie Kaye Cranney, Nicole Lee, Kellie Strauss, Stephanie Butcher.

I know I've talked about this before, but it is pretty amazing that Kellie and I are still bff.  That's more than 30 years!  We still talk a few times a week and we somehow ended up with twin boys within a year of each other.  Having that in common is even better than being twinsies in first grade.  Sometimes Kellie is the only person I can talk to.  So, enjoy one of the few images of us as children - me with that sullen expression and Kellie with her sweet smile and we're wearing some kind of pirate dance costume.  I don't think this was the "Stupid Cupid" recital, but since I can still remember some of the steps for that one, I used it for my title today. ("Step - kick - step - kick, side - back - side - dig...")


melissa said...

Look at you two! You're totally twins in your J-Lo onesies. Okay, you look nothing alike but you're both adorable. You look a lot like Bridget in that picture. I'm all kinds of jealous that you have had a BFF for 30 years.

Jen said...

Look at all those little cuties! They all seemed so grown up even then. Thanks for the unfortunate song that is now stuck in my head....

Kristi said...

BFFs are the best! So happy you and Kelly get to share so much together. :)

martinizing said...

The look on your face is exactly like the one Claire makes all the time. I love your surprise at your teacher knowing the whole time. Classic.

Kellie said...

Wow!! Where did you find that picture?! Total memory flood. I think we went to Taco Bandito after that picture, no? Now we need to find a picture of our blue skirts that we use to flog bees with. Over 30 years. Yikes! Complete feeling of friendship. Thanks, man!P.S. That's Tasha Anderson in the front on the end. No idea of the other girl....